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E70-433T30S CC1310 Mạch Thu Phát RF Giao Tiếp SPI 433MHz 6000m

Thương hiệu


Mô tả

Nguồn: 2.6-5.5VDC, tần số: 431~446.5 MHz

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(Đặt mua để có hàng sớm)

Đơn vị bán: Cái

Số lượng (Cái)Đơn giá
1+277.000 đ
10+276.000 đ
20+275.000 đ
Thông số kỹ thuật
Thuộc tínhGiá trịTìm kiếm
Danh mụcMạch Thu Phát RF
Tần số433 MHz
Điện áp cấp3.3V, 5V
Giao tiếpSPI, UART
Sản phẩm tương tự
Mô tả sản phẩm

Thông số kỹ thuật:

  • Điện áp hoạt động: Nguồn 2.6~5.5VDC
  • Giao tiếp: SPI
  • Tần số làm việc: 431~446.5 MHz
  • Công suất truyền: 30dBm (khoảng 1W)
  • Độ nhạy: -110 dBm, tốc độ dữ liệu 50kbps
  • Khoảng cách: 6000m ở môi trường lý tưởng
  • Size: 24x38.5mm

Lưu ý: Sản phẩm không được bảo hành. Quý khách vui lòng tham khảo Quy định bảo hành và Quy định đổi trả hàng

Pin No Pin item Pin direction Pin application
1-3, 17, 30, 31, 46, 47 GND Ground Ground electrode
4-10 NC Reserved pin Reserved, to be floated
11 LNA_EN Output Internal MCU controlled LNA pin, valid in high level, connect to pin 44
12 PA_EN Output Internal MCU controlled PA pin, valid in high level, connect to pin 45
13-15 NC Reserved pin Reserved, to be floated
16 M2 Input M2, M1, M0 jointly decide the 8 working modes; an external 1k protective resistor shall be connected in series when in use.
18 M0 Input M2,M1, M0 jointly decide the 8 working modes;an external 1k protective resistor shall be connected in series and a 1M pull-up resistor shall be added when in use.(Cannot be floated, it can be grounded when not used)
19 M1 Input M2,M1, M0 jointly decide the 8 working modes;An external 1k protective resistor shall be connected in series and a 1M pull-up resistor shall be added when in use.(Cannot be floated, it can be grounded when not used)
20 RXD Input TTL serial port input connects to external TXD pin. It can be configured asopen-drain or high pull input, please refer to parameter setting. An external 1k protective resistor shall be connected in series when using.
21 TXD Output TTL serial port output connects to external RXD input pin. It can be configured as open-drain or push-pull input, please refer to parameter setting. An external 1k protective resistor shall be connected in series when using.
24 RESET Input Reset pin, valid in low level
25 NC Reserved pin Reserved, to be floated
26 NC Reserved pin Reserved, to be floated
27 AUX Output It is used to indicate the operation status of module, for user to wake up the external MCU, the module outputs low level during self-checking and initialization at power on, it can be configured as open-drain output orpull-up output, please refer to parameter setting part, an external 1k protective resistor shall be connected inseries when using.(can be floated)
28-29 VCC - Power positive reference, power supply 2.6V ~ 5.5V DC
32-43 NC Reserved pin Reserved, to be floated
44 LNA_EN Input Internal LNA pin,valid in high level, connect to pin 11
45 PA_EN Input Internal PA pin,valid in high level, connect to pin 12
48 ANT - Antenna (50Ω characteristic impedance)

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E70-433T30S CC1310 Mạch Thu Phát RF Giao Tiếp SPI 433MHz 6000m
Đơn giá: 277.000 đ
Thành tiền: 277.000 đ

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Min: 1Bội số: 1




© Công ty TNHH Linh Kiện X
28 Hàn Thuyên, Bình Thọ, Thủ Đức, HCM


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