Tiếng Việt (VND)
Hết hàng
(Đặt mua để có hàng sớm)
Đơn vị bán: Cái
Số lượng (Cái) | Đơn giá |
1+ | 205.000 đ |
Thuộc tính | Giá trị | Tìm kiếm |
Danh mục | Mạch Bluetooth | |
RoHS | ||
Điện áp cấp | 3.3V, 5V | |
Phiên bản Bluetooth | 5.1 | |
Giao tiếp | UART | |
0 Sản phẩm tương tự |
Thuộc tính | Giá trị | Tìm kiếm |
Danh mục | Mạch Bluetooth | |
RoHS | ||
Điện áp cấp | 3.3V, 5V | |
Phiên bản Bluetooth | 5.1 | |
Giao tiếp | UART | |
0 Sản phẩm tương tự |
Hết hàng
(Đặt mua để có hàng sớm)
Min: 1
Bội số: 1
Đơn giá
205.000 đ
Thành tiền
205.000 đ
Đơn vị bán: Cái
Số lượng | Đơn giá | Thành tiền |
1+ | 205.000 đ | 205.000 đ |
Số lượng (Cái) | Đơn giá |
1+ | 205.000 đ |
Thuộc tính | Giá trị | Tìm kiếm |
Danh mục | Mạch Bluetooth | |
RoHS | ||
Điện áp cấp | 3.3V, 5V | |
Phiên bản Bluetooth | 5.1 | |
Giao tiếp | UART | |
0 Sản phẩm tương tự |
Thuộc tính | Giá trị | Tìm kiếm |
Danh mục | Mạch Bluetooth | |
RoHS | ||
Điện áp cấp | 3.3V, 5V | |
Phiên bản Bluetooth | 5.1 | |
Giao tiếp | UART | |
0 Sản phẩm tương tự |
Model |
E73-2G4M08S1EX |
Phiên bản Bluetooth |
Bluetooth 5.1 |
Chip |
nRF52833 |
Kích thước |
13x18mm |
Tần số |
2360-2500 MHz |
Công suất truyền |
8dBm(Maximum) |
Ăng ten |
Nguồn |
1.7-5.5VDC |
No. | Pin item | Corresponding chippin item | Pin direction | Application |
1 | NC | NC | - | NC |
2 | P0.25 | P0.25 | Common I/O | Low frequency I0, standard drive |
3 | P0.03 | P0.03/AIN1 | Common I/O | Analog input 1, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
4 | AI4 | P0.28/AIN4 | Common I/O | Analog input 4 |
5 | GND | - | - | Single ground line , connect to the power reference ground. |
6 | P1.05 | P1.05 | Common I/O | Low frequency I0, standard drive |
7 | AI0 | P0.02/AIN0 | Common I/O | Analog input 0, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
8 | AI5 | P0.29/AIN5 | Common I/O | Analog input 5, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
9 | AI7 | P0.31/AIN7 | Common I/O | Analog input 7, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
10 | AI6 | P0.30/AIN6 | Common I/O | Analog input 6, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
11 | XL1 | P0.00/XL1 | Common I/O | Connect to 32.768 kHz crystal |
12 | P0.26 | P0.26 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
13 | XL2 | P0.01/XL2 | Common I/O | Connect to 32.768 kHz crystal |
14 | P0.06 | P0.06 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
15 | AI3 | P0.05/AIN3 | Common I/O | Analog input 3 |
16 | P0.08 | P0.08 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
17 | P1.09 | P1.09 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
18 | AI2 | P0.04/AIN2 | Common I/O | Analog input 2 |
19 | VCC | - | - | Power supply |
20 | P12 | P0.12 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
21 | GND | - | - | Ground line, connect to the power reference ground |
22 | P0.07 | P0.07 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
23 | VDH | VDDH | - | High voltage power supply |
24 | GND | - | - | Ground line, connect to the power reference ground |
25 | DCH | DCCH | - | DC/DC converter output |
26 | RST | P0.18/RESET | Common I/O | QSPI/CSN/external reset |
27 | VBS | VBUS | - | USB power supply, 5W input, used to USB3.3V voltage regulator |
28 | P15 | P0.15 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
29 | D- | D- | - | USB D- |
30 | P17 | P0.17 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
31 | D+ | D+ | - | USB D+ |
32 | P0.20 | P0.20 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
33 | P0.13 | P0.13 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
34 | P0.22 | P0.22 | Common I/O | QSPI |
35 | P0.24 | P0.24 | Common I/O | - |
36 | P1.00 | P1.00 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
37 | SWD | SWDIO | - | Serial debug programming port clock |
38 | P1.02 | P1.02 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
39 | SWC | SWDCLK | - | Serial debug programming port clock |
40 | P1.04 | P1.04 | Common I/O | Low frequency I/O, standard drive |
41 | NF1 | P0.09/NFC1 | Common I/O | NFC input |
42 | P1.06 | P1.06 | Common I/O | Low frequency I/O, standard drive |
43 | NF2 | P0.10/NFC2 | Common I/O | NFC input |
Model |
E73-2G4M08S1EX |
Phiên bản Bluetooth |
Bluetooth 5.1 |
Chip |
nRF52833 |
Kích thước |
13x18mm |
Tần số |
2360-2500 MHz |
Công suất truyền |
8dBm(Maximum) |
Ăng ten |
Nguồn |
1.7-5.5VDC |
No. | Pin item | Corresponding chippin item | Pin direction | Application |
1 | NC | NC | - | NC |
2 | P0.25 | P0.25 | Common I/O | Low frequency I0, standard drive |
3 | P0.03 | P0.03/AIN1 | Common I/O | Analog input 1, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
4 | AI4 | P0.28/AIN4 | Common I/O | Analog input 4 |
5 | GND | - | - | Single ground line , connect to the power reference ground. |
6 | P1.05 | P1.05 | Common I/O | Low frequency I0, standard drive |
7 | AI0 | P0.02/AIN0 | Common I/O | Analog input 0, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
8 | AI5 | P0.29/AIN5 | Common I/O | Analog input 5, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
9 | AI7 | P0.31/AIN7 | Common I/O | Analog input 7, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
10 | AI6 | P0.30/AIN6 | Common I/O | Analog input 6, low frequency I/O, standard drive. |
11 | XL1 | P0.00/XL1 | Common I/O | Connect to 32.768 kHz crystal |
12 | P0.26 | P0.26 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
13 | XL2 | P0.01/XL2 | Common I/O | Connect to 32.768 kHz crystal |
14 | P0.06 | P0.06 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
15 | AI3 | P0.05/AIN3 | Common I/O | Analog input 3 |
16 | P0.08 | P0.08 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
17 | P1.09 | P1.09 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
18 | AI2 | P0.04/AIN2 | Common I/O | Analog input 2 |
19 | VCC | - | - | Power supply |
20 | P12 | P0.12 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
21 | GND | - | - | Ground line, connect to the power reference ground |
22 | P0.07 | P0.07 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
23 | VDH | VDDH | - | High voltage power supply |
24 | GND | - | - | Ground line, connect to the power reference ground |
25 | DCH | DCCH | - | DC/DC converter output |
26 | RST | P0.18/RESET | Common I/O | QSPI/CSN/external reset |
27 | VBS | VBUS | - | USB power supply, 5W input, used to USB3.3V voltage regulator |
28 | P15 | P0.15 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
29 | D- | D- | - | USB D- |
30 | P17 | P0.17 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
31 | D+ | D+ | - | USB D+ |
32 | P0.20 | P0.20 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
33 | P0.13 | P0.13 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
34 | P0.22 | P0.22 | Common I/O | QSPI |
35 | P0.24 | P0.24 | Common I/O | - |
36 | P1.00 | P1.00 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
37 | SWD | SWDIO | - | Serial debug programming port clock |
38 | P1.02 | P1.02 | Common I/O | See details about nrf52833 datasheet on Nordic website |
39 | SWC | SWDCLK | - | Serial debug programming port clock |
40 | P1.04 | P1.04 | Common I/O | Low frequency I/O, standard drive |
41 | NF1 | P0.09/NFC1 | Common I/O | NFC input |
42 | P1.06 | P1.06 | Common I/O | Low frequency I/O, standard drive |
43 | NF2 | P0.10/NFC2 | Common I/O | NFC input |
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