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E78-868LN22S (6601) Thu Phát LORAWAN GPS 5600m

Thương hiệu


Mô tả

Nguồn: 1.8 - 3.3 VDC, giao tiếp: SPI

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Đơn vị bán: Cái

Số lượng (Cái)Đơn giá
1+199.000 đ
20+198.000 đ
50+197.000 đ
Thông số kỹ thuật
Thuộc tínhGiá trịTìm kiếm
Danh mụcMạch Thu Phát RF
Điện áp cấp3.3V
Giao tiếpSPI
Sản phẩm tương tự
Mô tả sản phẩm

Thông số kỹ thuật:

  • Model: E78-868LN22S (6601)
  • IC chính: ASR6601CB
  • Điện áp hoạt động: 1.8 - 3.3 VDC
  • Giao tiếp: SPI
  • Tần số: 850~925MHz
  • Công suất: 21dbm
  • Khoảng cách truyền tối đa trong điều kiện lý tưởng: 5600m
  • Hỗ trợ ăng ten: IPEX
  • Kích thước: 14x20mm.

No. Pin Name Pin direction Pin use
1 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
2 VCC - Power supply, range 2.5V to 3.7V(ceramic filter capacitor is recommended externally)
3 SETB - Wake-up pins with low power
4 DIO1 Input/output NC(reserve pin)
5 BUSY Input/output NC(reserve pin)
6 I2C_SDA Input/output NC(reserve pin)
7 I2C_SCL Input/output NC(reserve pin)
8 UART_CTS Input/output NC(reserve pin)
9 UART_RTS Input/output NC(reserve pin)
10 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
11 ANT - Antenna interface, stamp hole(50 ohm characteristic impedance)
12 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
13 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
14 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
15 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
16 XRES Input The external reset pin
17 ADC_IN Input NC(reserve pin)
18 AUX Input/output NC(reserve pin)
19 SETA Input/output NC(reserve pin)
20 UART_RX Input/output UART RX pin
21 UART_TX Input/output UART TX pin
22 SWD_DATA Input/output SWD Data pin
23 SWD_CLK Input/output SWD Clock pin
24 GND - ground wire, connected to the power reference
25 SPI_MISO Input/output The SPI MISO test point, which is internally connected and cannot be used as an external SPI
26 SPI_NSS Input/output The SPI NSS test point, which is internally connected and cannot be used as an external SPI
27 SPI_MOSI Input/output The SPI MOSI test point, which is internally connected and cannot be used as an external SPI
28 SPI_SCK Input/output The SPI SCK test point, which is internally connected,cannot be used as an external SPI

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Mua ngay
E78-868LN22S (6601) Thu Phát LORAWAN GPS 5600m
Đơn giá: 199.000 đ
Thành tiền: 199.000 đ

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Số lượng mua
Min: 1Bội số: 1




© Công ty TNHH Linh Kiện X
28 Hàn Thuyên, Bình Thọ, Thủ Đức, HCM


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